Documentary series :
crossed portraits of Women Street Artists

(production in process)

In 2016, I had the chance of meeting a dozen of women artists during my personal and professionnal life, while I was working in Paris, for the Street Art association Le M.U.R. This organization invites every two weeks a new urban artist to come and perform on the wall situated on a little public square in the 11e arrondissement.

The idea of highlighting these women artists in a documentary began to grow in my mind. Baubô, Mizu, Madame, Musa, Klore, Smoluk, Snikr DBS, Wuna One – and so many others… who are they ? What do they have in their heart that knows how to touch me so deeply ?

With my journalistic instinct, the questions popped up in my head by raft, but the time and equipment were lacking me to produce the interviews and the images such as I have pictured it. Perfectionnist by nature, I’d rather take my time to produce and make my project come true.

Teaser :

I want to direct and produce a serie of documentaries (26 mn) to make you discover the crossed portraits of differents artists that will tell about their path, the difficulty they’ve faced or not throught achieving success in their carreer, in a domain where the code are masculine – if not sexist (the question will be asked and debated through the different episodes). How do they perceive themselves as an artist – as a “Street artist” ? As a woman ? Some of them adopt a feminist activism attitude and message, some others don’t feel compelled to base their art process on a gender scheme and would rather the public to forget about them belonging to any of this categorization. I want to question them, listen to them and observe them while they work and create. Hear and share their speech and message – this is what I offer to you.

Smoluk interview :

If Art doesn’t have a sex nor a gender – the artists, do have one. Et those creators and “créatrices” (since the feminin word is missing from English vocabulary) do not escape from a gendered classification that confines, still and always, the feminine to a minority – and even sometimes to lesser than that. It is clear that women artists do NOT benefit from the same representation than their fellow male. And yet, what are the differences between them ? The gaze we carry upon them as a public ? The opportunity to express oneself freely and publicly ? Their colleagues who judge or celebrate them? What is a woman artist, but an ARTIST in its own right ?

After years of questionning myself on my own feminine condition, wandering the streets and getting lost in contemplation in front of so many urban pieces of art ; after meeting some amazing people, my idea of a serie of short documentaries became clearer and clearer. I would like to go and meet again, these women who called out to me, who talked to me throught their ART, and who interrogated me wherever I meander about my own claim of equality in the public space and every other layers of our society.